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Lounge Restaurant & Bar Consultant | Live Music Bar | Theme Bar | Casual Bar

Lounge Like Never Before With AG Consulting

AG Consulting is proud to share our expertise in the Lounge Bar’s segment of Hospitality. Moreover, We have extensive experience in setting up nightclubs, Casual Bar, and other projects. Lounge Bars require extreme creativity, and we are well-equipped with the right tools for the job.

What Makes Us the “One” for Your BAR!

We use a targeted strategy to develop precise criteria for each project, diagnosing significant areas for system improvement. Further, Our Restaurant & Bar development program utilizes a wide range of applications to create a strong, consistent bar program. Built on the principles of fine dining, our hospitality-minded approach ensures long-term success for the brand.

But wait..There’s More….

This is only the first step towards developing truly unique experiences for the bar. Besides, Think about Drinks that appeal to all five senses, telling a story, and specifically crafting for each venue's Theme. For Instance, Live Music bars are also included. Further, From What will the guest smell entering the bar? Too, How do we want them to feel when leaving the bar? Attention to everything is a no brainer. For Instance, Consider the bar's decor, the bartenders' outfits, and create a robust logistic plan for speed and consistency.


AG Bar Consulting offers support with opening new Bar Lounges and as well provide solution to existing one. The objective is to modify your lounge to a successful business model. Our professional bar tenders help you in bar management, staffing and training programs. We assist you to innovate new creative cocktail ideas and orienting staff to ensure durability of your business.
AG Consulting specializes in molecular mixology. Using special equipment this mixology enhances the cocktails by creating new flavors, sensations and amazing visual effects. After the initial set we offer time line after care package and keep a close watch on your lounge performance.


Giving a boost to your bar economically is what our bar consulting team works on. Our team proposes and installs bar equipment based on your lounge model and provide you with professional bartending tools.


Our team of bartenders and mixologists will custom design your bar menu, create innovative cocktails for your profile, bringing you innovative and fresh ideas that will make you stand out from the competition. Apart from the menu, we create a full list of ingredients and spirits that we would suggest, help you choose the vendors and create a profitable spirit list balancing the quality versus cost.


Profits are directly related to controlling costs. We assist with the food & beverage costing and stock taking procedures, making sure you have complete control of your beverage inventory. We show you how to build your profit with different up selling techniques and customer service strategies.

Our bar consulting services constitute of the following major components

  • Bar Designing
  • Concept & Planning
  • Kitchen Planning & Designing
  • Menu Designing & Mixology
  • Food Quality Management & Training
  • Bar Staff Training & Recruitment
  • Production Process
  • Bar Sop Formation

AG Bar Consulting holds its expertise in providing turnkey bar consultation services in the following bar concepts.

AG Consulting expertise in providing turnkey solution in the following avenues

  • Lounge Bar
  • Casual Bar
  • Restaurant & Bar
  • Live Music Bar
  • Theme Bar
  • Brew- Pub
  • Nightclub


What is AG Consulting's Expertise?

AG Consulting helps make places like night clubs and lounge bars. profitable and successful.

How do we Set up Lounges or Theme Bars?

AG Consulting uses creativity and the right tools to make lounge bars successful.

What's Their Approach to Bar Development?

We carefully plan and fix any problems to make the bars work better. So, That your restaurant and bar can grow to its full potential.

How do we Make Bars Grow?

AG Consulting's special way of organizing bars helps them become better and earn more money.

How do we Make Bars Special?

We create unique experiences by making special drinks that feel, smell, and taste amazing.

What's a Unique Drink?

It's a special drink that tells a story and makes you feel happy.

How do we Make Bars Work Faster and Better?

We have a good plan to make sure everything works smoothly and quickly.

What Types of Projects do we Work On?

We make fun places like night clubs and cool bars where people enjoy.

How Do we Help Each Bar, As Bar consultant?

AG Consulting makes a plan just for that bar to make it the best it can be.

Why is AG Consulting Special?

We have lots of experience and make bars super fun and successful.

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